Saturday, March 08, 2008

I Must Take A Stand

I have a roll to play inside the Obama for America campaign, as a volunteer. However, I also have a roll to play inside this country as a citizen. I realize the two are linked in some ways but below is a letter that I'm sending out because, as a citizen of the country, I feel it is time to hold my ground and make a stand. There is much at risk but in affairs such as these there always is.

Honorable Senator Feinstein,
After 7 years of increasing frustration over how this country was being governed, I had hope that a sea change was underway. After years of politics by division and elections where any tactic was acceptable in the pursuit of victory, I thought the Democrats were going to show the world a different side of America. I now think I was wrong.
I understand that to effect change (i.e. the ends) one must have power (i.e the means) but I still believe that principles matter. If a person or party abandons their principles in the pursuit of power, then I believe they have compromised the moral authority to exercise that power.
Since the South Carolina primary, I have seen tactics employed inside the Democratic party that I had only associated with the Republican party. Since 1992 I have defended and praised the Clintons and as recently as last November considered supporting Senator Clinton for the nomination. That has now changed.
I am so thoroughly disgusted with the way Senator Clinton and her campaign are behaving that there is no way I can support her nomination or candidacy. I believe she is calculating that people will rally behind her because she'll be the last person standing and the lesser of two evils.
I cannot condone or support this and we deserve better. I have not worked for any candidate in 25 years but I have been moved to do so this year because I believe the system is broken and we need real change -- change from the scorched-earth policies of the past.
People are telling me that I have to support Senator Clinton were she to become the nominee because too much is at stake. To them I counter that I can NOT support Senator Clinton precisely because so much is at stake. The soul of the party and the future of this country are at stake and I cannot turn a blind eye to this self-destructive behavior.
I have to take a stand and I am serving notice that should Senator Clinton somehow get the nomination, not only will I not work for her or the party, I will not donate money to her or the party and I will not vote in the general election. In addition, I am going to send this letter to Senator Boxer, Representative Thompson, my local, regional and national papers and publish it in two of my blogs.
I feel this is the only way that I can make my voice heard and demand that we strive to be a people and a party our country and constitution deserve. Principles do matter.
Chip Roberson

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